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The enchantment of Big Sur began at age 16 when a group of crazy teenagers flew across the country in a 1970 Buick LeSabre at speeds of over 140 mph from New Jersey to California. I documented that “coming of age” trip in a book “Only Moments” many years later. Big Sur was the epicenter of incredible beauty, danger, and a magnet for all types of people in my generation. From the writer Henry Miller, to the beats, to the children of the sixties this place was magical….and still is. The paintings were done in 2013 and there is one more that I will post next that is my favorite and was the hardest to do….

My paintings are now on display right outside of Sedona, AZ at “The Miner’s Pick Gallery” in Jerome at 123 Hill Street located at what once was the hospital and surgeon’s home. Stop in and see Melissa and their incredible offerings of natural wood furniture, crystals, gemstones, geodes, and fossils along with my artwork hanging on the walls.

For more paintings go to


This painting was so much fun especially the small moons and the rings. It was my first venture into “space” so to speak and the minature aspects were the most challenging.

My paintings are now on display right outside of Sedona, AZ at “The Miner’s Pick Gallery” in Jerome at 123 Hill Street located at what once was the hospital and surgeon’s home. Stop in and see Melissa and their incredible offerings of natural wood furniture, crystals, gemstones, geodes, and fossils along with my artwork hanging on the walls.

For more paintings go to

Aloha Painted in 2013

I love painting sunsets and ocean. The long distance field of view is challenging and pushes me to learn different techniques each time. I am an untrained artist and have always enjoyed doing things for the first time…it is my strength and my nemesis at times….but that’s the Yin and Yang of life….to keep dancing between them is the only goal there is….nothing further….now to keep breathing and let it happen….stream of conciousness painting….


Much has happened since I last posted on WordPress years ago. Too much to get into details.  I’m posting my artwork that I’ve compiled since 2012.  No stylus or instrument was used to create them. This digital art technology is a”new medium” that eliminates the exposure to toxic chemicals in the various paints. This helps me as a severe allergy sufferer. It promotes speed and accessibility to the entire palette of colors and brush types and sizes without needing a huge studio. Most importantly, the art can be created instantly wherever I am. The digital process of re-creation is that of photography and with newer fine art gallery quality printing technologies these works can be processed on aluminum that is warp-proof, waterproof, needs no glass or frame, and will last for eons with the proper care.

My paintings are now on display right outside of Sedona, AZ at “The Miner’s Pick Gallery” in Jerome at 123 Hill Street located at what once was the hospital and surgeon’s home. Stop in and see Melissa and their incredible offerings of natural wood furniture, crystals, gemstones, geodes, and fossils along with my artwork hanging on the walls.

For more paintings go to


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